Lost Souls: 4

Published Oct 8, 2022, 5:33:24 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 13, 2022, 3:14:47 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

For Dracostryx's Great Harvest event.

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Chapter 4: 4

"Seems a shame that we should bring an end to their dance," Bren remarked as he and Cersul watched a cluster of wisps flitted about in a grove that, from just out of their sight. "If we did not have our duties, I would insist we let them alone."

And yet, duties are what we have. But... Perhaps it would harm no one to allow them a small spot of joy before we send them home.

"Now that's an uncharacteristic thing for you to say, friend," Bren grinned, looking up at the horned tyto. "I would've thought that you'd be reminding me of what happens when we allow too many wisps to wander about unherded."

I can be full of surprises, Cersul remarked, humour in her spirit-voice. And I am enjoying watching the wisps play this night.

"We don't get many joys in life," Bren noted, thinking that maybe there were times when being a guthane was a somewhat joyless occupation. He wouldn't trade this life for that of a tribesman, though. It might not be easy, but his role was a vital one, and that made him feel good about accepting such a calling in life. "But this? This is joyful."

At least for a little while longer. Soon we will have to do what we're supposed to do.

Bren sighed quietly. Yes. Yes they would.

For several minutes more the pair watched the wisps' dance in silence, just enjoying the sight of the spirits engaging in one of life's little joys.

But soon, the time came when the spirits needed to be corralled. Summoning her stag wisp, Cersul instructed it to circle around the group until it was opposite her, and, when it was, it would drive the others in Cersul's direction. Oh, they would try to scatter, but with Bren, Cersul and the stag wisp cutting off their escape routes, rounding them up was probably one of those few times when the job was easy.

"I'm sorry," Bren said as the last of them vanished from view. "You really did make my night better."

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