Career: Prompt 2

Published Dec 4, 2022, 5:15:01 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 4, 2022, 5:15:01 PM | Total Chapters 3

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Career prompts.

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Silk Dracostryx 🧑🏽 #ds11036
74 total points
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Chapter 2: Prompt 2

The season finally kicked off, the stryx had started breeding with each other and it had been a bit chaotic, but nothing Left couldn’t handle. The hardest part was keeping the pregnant stryx comfortable and happy to make sure that everything went well. Silk seemed to have been doing well all throughout her pregnancy, she hadn’t had any trouble since the fight with Nej over the ‘territory’ in the stables they both wanted. She was checking in to make sure that the Raptor was alright since she had gotten pregnant, she knew that some stryx had a hard time so she wanted to make sure that everything went smoothly. She made her way into the stable, intending to check up on all of her stryx. She stopped by each stable and stryx to check in on each of them, some had already laid their clutch and was seeming to be alright, while some were still waiting to lay theirs. All seemed to be doing well as she made her way through the stables, glad that there seemed to be no issues. The birds seemed to be happy and healthy for the most part, which was a good thing. She finally made her way to Silk, the Raptor was warming up a clutch of eggs. Left’s eyes lit up, glad that Silk was doing alright. She quickly made her way over to the silver Raptor to congratulate the stryx. She pet Silk on the head, who happily took the pets- headbutting Left’s hand slightly. She turned to the eggs, checking to make sure they were all healthy. As she checked them she noticed something wrong, the eggs didn’t seem right. Upon further inspection she realized that the eggs weren’t fertilized. Left’s eyes widened, she looked to Silk who didn’t seem to realize yet- still attempting to warm up the eggs.

“Oh Silk I’m so sorry.” She mumbled, giving the Raptor more pets in comfort. The Raptor look at her with confusion at the change in tone, not understanding why her rider seemed upset. Left turned from the eggs, comfortingly stroking the stryx.

“The clutch is empty, they’re not fertilized.” She told Silk. Silk looked confused before seeming to realize what Left was telling her. She moved to take a closer look at the eggs. Checking them closely. She reared her head back when realizing what Left said was true. She let out a wail of despair, as she curled closer around the eggs. Trying to see if she warmed them up more if it will help the eggs. She chirped in distress as Left began petting her more attempting to comfort and soothe the upset stryx. Left wrapped her arms around the Raptor, hugging the bird in comfort. Silk however seemed to not want the hug, pulling away from Left as she turned her back to the rider. Seeming to hide the eggs from Left as she held them closer to her. Left felt sadness filled her for Silk’s current position, she wasn’t sure how to comfort the distressed stryx exactly, she had never dealt with this before it was all new to her. She went looking through her pack to see if she had anything that could help comfort the Raptor. She quickly pulled out a bag of treats, realizing that it was Silk’s favorite kind. She was happy she thought to pack these today, she really needed them. She gently patted Silk’s back, the raptor turning her head slightly to look at her rider.

“Hey.” Left said quietly, slowly handing some of the treats to Silk. The Raptor looked at them with a stink eye, before accepting the treats. Eating them slowly as she looked sadly at the eggs. Left kept petting her gently, as she kept handing Silk more treats.
“It’s ok, it’ll be ok.” She soothed the bird, who relaxed slightly, not letting up her hold on the empty eggs. As Left gave Silk more treats and petted her some more she finally relaxed enough to once again show Left the empty eggs. Cooing sadly as she did so. Left shook her head sadly.

“It’s ok. I’m not upset about it, I’m sorry about the eggs.” She said hugging the Raptor again, this time the Raptor accepted it, slightly leaning into the rider’s comfort. Left realized vaguely she would eventually have to get rid of the eggs, feeling sorry knowing Silk wouldn’t want to get rid of them. She figured it wouldn’t be too bad to let Silk keep the eggs a bit longer, hoping that would help comfort the bird before the eggs eventually had to be disposed of. She soothingly rubbed the Raptor’s head, she would figure out what to do eventually, for now Silk had to be comforted over her loss. Silk let out another soft coo as Left hugged her tighter.


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