Pokemon Writing: Rook: Caring For A Ghost Egg

Published Jan 5, 2023, 4:31:14 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 5, 2023, 4:31:14 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A collection of writing about Rook as he explores the Crater Region.

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Chapter 1: Caring For A Ghost Egg

Being put in charge of a pokemon egg wasn’t something Rook had planned for, but then again, when did he really plan anything? He supposed it was his own damn fault. He had been so eager to get a pokemon that when the professor at Eden Labs handed him an egg as well, he didn’t know how to say no to it. He didn’t know how to say no to the starter pokemon he was given either; a sugary sweet Plusle that for the week he had her had already made his entire shoebox of an apartment reek of sweets. Not to mention the sprinkles Rook kept finding everywhere, as if this place wasn’t begging to be overrun with durants as it was. 


Rook crouched down by the egg and put his hand on it. Despite giving it a little nest of blankets and extra clothes to keep it warm the egg was still vaguely cold to the touch. Maybe it was just because it was a ghost egg, the professor had said they tended to be that way sometimes. But still, despite himself, Rook worried. 


“Hey, Funfetti!” Rook called out. After a few moments, he heard one of the kitchen cabinets open (he wasn’t even going to bother to ask what she was doing in there) and the pitter-patter of Funfetti’s little feet as she ran over.


“Yeah yeah,” Rook said as Funfetti hugged his arm, smiling despite himself. “Do you know anything about eggs?”


Funfetti clocked her head to the side as she looked up at him.


“I mean, you’re a pokemon. You both came from the same lab, right? You gotta know something.”


Funfetti cocked her head to the other side before tugging at Rook’s sleeve. Curious, he let her drag his hand closer. She stared at his hand, looked over at the egg, then back at his hand, before carefully putting a handful of sprinkles in Rook’s palm and closing his fingers around it.


“Cool, thanks.”


Funfetti squeaked happily and wandered off again. Rook sighed. Well, there went his one idea. He looked back at the egg. It was grayish with purplish swirls across its shell. Having a  ghost type sounded cool but god, why did he have to deal with hatching it himself? And his only other pokemon was no help either.




Rook looked down at his sprinkle-filled hand.


I mean... 


He stared at the egg for a few moments, then tentatively put the sprinkles on top of it. A few more moments passed. Nothing happened.


“This is stupid.”


Rook brushed the sprinkles off.


Taking off his jacket he picked up the egg and wrapped it up. It was probably warmer than the stuff the egg was currently sitting in. Rook really shouldn’t be responsible for something like this. He wasn’t a responsible person in the slightest. And considering his history, just holding the egg made him feel guilty. But he knew he’d feel even guiltier if he just up and left in back at the lab or made it someone else’s problem.


“Sorry you got me,” he murmured to the egg. “I’m gonna try my best but...yeah.”


The egg didn’t respond. It was an egg after all. But he hoped whatever was inside knew he meant it. He was going to try his best.

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