Character Event: Elemetal Festival -Hunting

Chapter 6: Elemetal Festival -Hunting

With all these hungry adventurers about, William decided to take it into his own hands to feed everyone. In his travels, the folf had run across burritos which were guaranteed to be a crowd pleaser. Plus, they were reasonably easy to make. First, he needed to gather all the ingredients to make his burritos. William grabbed a bow and set off into the wilderness to hunt a game animal for meat. The arctic folf wasn't sure what kind of game animals Castimeria had, but he had to find something. Bow in hand, William quietly transverse the flowery wooded landscape. He leaped from island to island, hoping to find any sign of edible wildlife.


An hour passed before William found hoof prints of a four-legged animal in the mud. Broken branches and trampled grass led the folf to a clearing with a large deer-like creature. Wooden antlers sprouted flowers from its head as it grazed on grass. It was indeed a magnificent beast to behold, and it was almost a shame to take it down, but there were hungry people to feed.


William drew an arrow back in his bow as he stilled his breath. With the shot lined up, the folf released his arrow aimed at the beast’s head. The arrow struck true but deflected off the deer creature’s skull. A gash caused by the arrow revealed wooden skin underneath the mossy fur. Immediately the beast reared up and charged at William. The folf dived out of the way as he drew his talisman dagger. As the deer beast turned to charge again, William readied another arrow as he whistled a series of notes from the Winter Song. This arrow flew faster and stuck harder than the first one. It stuck in the deer creature’s leg but didn’t sink deep enough to cause significant damage. Wooden antlers struck the grey folf and pushed him hard into a tree. William’s armor was the only thing that saved him from being impaled. Desperate, he plunged his witch knife into the creature’s eye and whistled. Antlers began to sag as William drew all the air out of the beast’s body. The deer beast suffocated it despite being able to breathe normally. Eventually, the flower deer collapsed dead on the ground. The now victorious folf broke through the creature’s skin with his talisman dagger and harvested the meat inside. There was more than enough to make burritos for everyone, but he still needed other ingredients.


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