Gene ref

Posted Jan 3, 2009, 12:58:50 AM UTC

Some more details on Gene (yes, she is a baroness 8D)

regal (she really wouldn't even consent to an outfit as brazen as this...unless she was in the bedroom. XD)

dominatrix...see above. uhmmm yeah.

plays violin, (but can play most anything you hand her)

loves children/wants to be a mother more than anything else in the world

cooks and bakes very well

iron is her kryptonite

spends her time composing music, reading, and knitting. (she's boring)


Gene's life started tragically. Her mother (Alys) was the young wife of a violin maker. Her wedding gift was of course a beautiful instrument her husband (Gaston) spent many hours making. She sought out lessons to fully enjoy the violin. Unfortunately, the teacher was a vampire bent on taking his payment in flesh. When her lessons were done she was indeed an accomplished violinist. The sadistic instructor raped her as payment for his knowledge. Alys didn't know that she was with child until two months later. She told Gaston of the rape, and his only advice was to put her sadness into her music. So she did. Alys played night and day until it was time for her child to be born. Gaston waited impatiently for the midwife to announce a baby boy to carry on his name. No such thing happened. Alys gave birth to Gene, a tiny girl with the features of her attacker. Gaston raved that the child was obviously a demon and must be killed. Alys wouldn't hear of it. She reminded Gaston that before the rape, the child had been his. Besides, the baby was still half hers, and that had to count for something. Gaston allowed her to keep the child on certain conditions. The child was not allowed outside ever. No one was to know of Gene's existence. If Gene ever displayed any unearthly abilities, she was to be killed. So Gene was raised by her mother in the shadows. She learned how to take care of a home and husband, and she learned to be a good catholic. During the day, when Gaston was busy working, Gene would get violin lessons from her beloved mother. Gene hoped it would warm her cold father's heart. As it was, Gaston didn't acknowledge Gene's existence. Gene grew and was a quiet pleasant girl. She grew proficient at the violin in those short years. When she was seven, Gaston came home early, and caught her practicing. He was livid that the demon spawn would touch something so sacred to him. Gaston grabbed Gene's arm and drug her outside, locking Alys in the house. He tied Gene's hands to a chopping block, and proceeded to hack them off with a hatchet. Alys managed to break out of the house and took Gene in her arms, screaming at Gaston. She rushed the small child to the village doctor who sutured the tiny hands back on. Alys grimly took in the knowledge that her child would be handicapped for the rest of her life. When she got back home Gaston did seem to regret his actions. He wanted another chance, seeing how much the child clearly meant to his love. Alys was conned into believing him. After a few months, Gene seemed to be recovering nicely. She even started to get the use of her hands back. Alys's sister in the neighboring town was with child and needed help. Alys, thinking Gaston a loving father, left Gene in his care.  Gaston promised Gene they would go on a hunting trip. Instead, Gaston took Gene to an abandoned road, and slit her throat with a hunting knife. He put her small body in a burlap sack, and threw it in the ditch. Gene was picked up by a wandering salesmen, who took her to a doctor. Once her throat was sutured, Gene recovered quickly once more. She was sold to a rich couple who couldn't have any children. Unfortunately, Gene didn't find love in that home. She was showcased as a trophy more than a child. Her "parents" were so proud of how quickly she learned things well beyond her level. She had regained the use of her hands, and performed at parties held by her foster parents. At the age of twelve, she started to showcase strange abilities. These were due to her vampiric heritage, but her foster parents just locked her away, fearful of what their friends would think. As luck would have it, the foster parents were attacked and murdered, leaving a sixteen year old Gene all their wealth. A handsome gentleman named Rothe soon caught her eye. He courted her and seemed to share her enthusiasm. He also confided a dark secret in her. He shared her abilities and could teach her to master them. They were soon married, and Gene was smitten with her new life as a wife. However, her husband wanted nothing to do with her after dark. He was kind, and wonderful, but didn't want to have anything to do with her sexually. Gene was very much confused. She loved her new husband though, and did as he asked of her. On her twentieth birthday, Rothe told her she was ready. He told her that she had not yet realized the full potential that ran through her veins. He took her to his bed that night and took her against her will. He then turned her, fully awakening the dark genetics bequeathed by her vampiric father. Gene went to the attic, started a fire in the hearth, and locked herself in. She stayed there a week, not moving. Rothe, although primarily selfish, did care for Gene and knew she wouldn't be happy in his care. When Gene finally came out of her self imposed exile, Rothe was waiting for her. He had her valuables packed, and a good portion of his riches in cash. He gave these to her, and told her to move somewhere he couldn't find her. He could only see himself hurting her if their relationship continued. Gene had a home built in a tiny German town, and began a new life. She knew now, she was barren, and her full dream could never be realized. So she became a philanthropist and socialite. The small community embraced her, and her cooking became notorious. Soon, children flocked to her for treats, and their parents enjoyed a break. Every so often, Gene would fake her own death, and re-emerge as a relative of the late Von Criste. She would change her gender, and once again resume her role in the community. Her life and secret was shared only by her butler, Walter. She was content, until she met a rather uncouth high class escort at a party. Enter Frank....


Gene's abilities: Gene's biological structure is basically able to break down into a black goo. Think a cross between Hellsing's Alucard and Spider Man's Venom. This allows Gene to change her gender, assume any form she wants (looking very black of course), and re attach anything that has been dislocated or chopped off. Gene also has a bit of empathy, but cannot directly read minds. She can hover a bit, but can't fly. She is remarkably strong for her petite size, monstrously strong actually. She is also uncannily quick. Gene also has the ability to transform into a monster that is quite horrible. Gene refers to it as "darkness" and the transformation is triggered by Gene's tendancy to insanity (inherited from her father of course). Gene repressed the bad memories of her life, and most often these memories are the cause of transformations. Once in the form of darkness, Gene can no longer be reached. The monster destroys any living thing that it sees, and has no remorse. Darkness seems to feed on destruction and blood. Wounding Darkness won't stop the beast, only slow it down. Any damage sustained by Darkness will be three fold on Gene, and will take much longer to heal. Gene's diet is half blood, and half normal human food. Certain blood types are more delicious to Gene than others, namely Frank's blood (due to his non-human nature) has a drug like effect on Gene, similar to ecstasy. It's highly nutritious, and almost orgasmic. Frank's race also happens to be the only one biologically capable of impregnating Gene. This and the effect his blood has on her are all due to the Cannanites' healing abilities. Gene’s foremost weakness is iron. When in contact with her skin, it causes a chemical burn that disintegrates her flesh. When placed near her, (depending on proximity) she will pass out, suffer headaches, or even have trouble breathing. Inhaling or swallowing the substance will either make her violently ill or kill her.


Gene, Frank, Alys, Gaston, Rothe, Darkness, and Cannan © me. Do not use without permission.

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  • Jan 3, 2009, 12:00:44 PM UTC
    God. So freaking aweeeesome. D: Like..really. Your art looks fantastic. Big Smile <3
    • Jan 3, 2009, 7:19:09 PM UTC
      well thank you. I'm not so sure of myself sometimes, but I try. Color often foils me. I don't know how to use any computer programs, and I really wish I did. Trying to scan in traditional artwork is horrible. You can't even see the red scars correctly.
      • Jan 3, 2009, 7:26:57 PM UTC
        You freaking kidding me? This looks awesome - like the picture of Frank, it is really solid and very awesome. Big Smile <3 Preeeeetty.
        Color foils a lot of us, especially in real life. It's irritating, honestly.
        Aww. I'm sorry. It does look really cool, though. :>
  • Jan 2, 2009, 5:22:35 PM UTC
    Didn't know Gene was a vamp. This the one that doesn't like her looks?
    • Jan 2, 2009, 5:29:31 PM UTC
      yes. Basically, Gene is a gender confused replica of her mother's attacker.



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