Talisman- Fire brand

Posted Aug 8, 2021, 7:41:48 AM UTC

Gifted by Phaurora, Phoenix’s tattoo glows when he activates his fire powers. As he journeys beyond his homeland, and does courageous deeds, he gains more magical tattoos that appear on his skin to show his journey as a wayfinder.

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  • Aug 10, 2021, 7:44:29 AM UTC
    This is so cool! I love the idea of his magic tattoos. 💕
    • Aug 10, 2021, 10:08:52 PM UTC
      Thank you! I don't think these will be his final tattoos- atleast for the comic. I haven't had the energy yet to work on Phoenix's fashion style and how the tattoo would look yet, but I do want him to have tattoos that glow when he uses his powers, and that he gets more based on his achievements. I have other characters from his country that have tattoos that do that, but I've been nervous with drawing the tattoos since I'm not really knowledgeable on what a good tattoo looks like. I need to do some more research, but I'm going to for Phoenix Smile
  • Aug 8, 2021, 11:14:19 PM UTC
    I love the texture!
    • Aug 8, 2021, 11:48:42 PM UTC
      Thank you! I'm trying to relax my rigid style when I can. I need to find a flow that I like, but its pretty cool to try out large textures :3
  • Aug 8, 2021, 3:42:45 PM UTC
    I love the brush style you chose to show the glow. Beautiful!
    • Aug 8, 2021, 9:01:36 PM UTC
      Thank you! I got some new brush sets for my table t for Procreate, and there's some really free style type brushes. Still trying to feel my groove with them, but it's good to be a little less rigid with how I draw with them Smile Drawing for black and white print has made my art very crisp edged. IT's good to try something else out when inspiration comes ^^
      • Aug 10, 2021, 2:46:33 PM UTC
        Darn straight! It is lovely to exercise a bit of creative freedom.
        Looks like you are definitely getting the hang of the brushes. How do you like tablet drawing? I have considered it a few times but always stop myself since I haven’t drawn enough in the last…. Decade. 😂
        • Aug 10, 2021, 9:57:18 PM UTC
          I'm not yet. I haven't figured out how I put it all together yet, but I'm getting there.

          I'm the same- I wasn't drawing at all, and for the first.... year I had the Ipad I barely used it. It took a bit for me to grow into it. Like, I use to carry a pad of paper with me everywhere so I could draw, so I got a new bag with a tablet pocket- the Huawei backpack. It can also hold my traditional art supplies easily so if I decide I want to traditional, I can easily carry that as well or instead. I did a lot of research on what others have done to make the process better, and tried the set up myself as my friends had it. I knew I loved the software, but the texture of the screen upset me, so I got the paperlike screen protector which gives it a tooth- game changer Smile I got the latest model out as the pen attaches to the side for charging which was a must for me as the old design charged at the connector- I know I'd lose the connectors and stuff so I had to have the modern one. The biggest let down for me, and what I'd suggest keeping an eye on the Samsung S7 tab, is IOS. If you don't own any apple products, getting use to IOS is a nightmare. I'm not going to go into a rant about it (and I could), but it was a crippling wall, and still makes my life hell cause it's my only apple product. The process is VERY manual.

          I think if you're deciding to go Apple or Android, you need to ask yourself what apps you're using. I'm gonna say it, the android range of apps is terrible. Clipstudio paint came out on Samsung Tab S7 exclusive, and I've tried it on the Ipad, and unless you get the big tablets, the screen real-estate used up by menus is crazy. There's free programs that are minimal and great, but none are as powerful as Procreate- it's a professional grade program, but it's only available on IOS. If CSP ever make their program optimized for a tablet, I'd say bin your Ipad immediately, but they're charging a monthly fee for a port of the desktop version, and I'm not here for it. You need screen real-estate to use a windows menu system. There's so few touch commands, and reviewers that review it ALL have the big tablet, and a bluetooth keyboard to navigate it. It's not ready yet Sad If you find another Android program that makes use of the Spen to it's full extent though, do consider it, but Ipad pro with the pencil and Paperlike, using Procreate it the best out there. You can get last gen's tablet to save money, just be aware that the way they charge the pencil in the first gen pencil tablets is with a lightning cable out the side of the tablet, and the capthat protects the connector for the pencil goes missing, and you need to buy a case to keep the pencil with the tablet cause it doesn't naturally attach. There'a lot of great 3rd party options though so if you want to save money, it's a thing Smile

          Sorry- distracted from my story. I think that when I started to force myself to draw more it helped. I told myself I didn't have to post anything and what ever I did was acceptable. IT started with few doodles, then as it went along I'm doing more- including sketching on the tablet Smile I'm really happy I have it now, and haven't traditionaled for some time. I think my mental health stopped me using it for a bit too, but I'm working out of that Smile If you can afford it, and you think a digital medium would help you draw more, then go for it Smile It's helped me! I had troubles where I sketched a lot, but never finished stuff. This tablet is helping a lot with that Smile
          • Aug 10, 2021, 11:10:45 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Aug 10, 2021 by Minimaid
            Oh man!! Thanks so much for the in-depth analysis!
            I will have to see. If I get back into my drawing it may be worth the investment. Otherwise, I will probably not bother. I have a tablet but not one that is good for drawing with - I use it as my main browsing computer and such. I wouldn’t mind having one I can draw with so I don’t have to worry about supplies all the time, but with the expense I just can’t justify it.
            • Aug 10, 2021, 11:30:23 PM UTC
              Is drawing traditionally getting too expensive? Cause Digital doesn't fix that. I went digital because I'm not at home a lot and wanted to make use of the times I was free to draw to be able to draw, and in colour. It upset me that I had so much time for sketches, but colour was always a rush. I tried taking colour with me but you know traditional media and colour. IT's not very portable. It also grabs too much attention from people and when I draw I want to be left alone. That's why the tablet is good, cause I could be doing school work. Who knows. I can also use it for surfing the net for references and carry my art around without injuring it. For that, the tablet took a while to warm up to but when I did, it was great Smile You need to ask yourself what it'd take to get you to draw more. What would it take?
              • Aug 11, 2021, 12:09:13 AM UTC
                No, traditional drawings are cheap, but they take up space. Smile

                I don’t know what it would take me to draw more. I am a hobby binger. I get into textiles obsessively, then video games, then maybe drawing or something else, music… I just obsess over one thing at a time.
                I think it was good company and comfort that got me into it before. I am in a similar situation right now. Surrounded by people doing other things so I can chat and listen to people around me, and not have a sore back when I get up again 🥴.

                I don’t know how to ensure all those items, though…
                • Aug 12, 2021, 11:36:40 PM UTC
                  The cool thing about buying an ipad to draw on is that it covers a lot of hobbies, cause you can write, and plan other projects and surf the net etc... with it. It's not a bad idea. Maybe go used?
                  • Aug 13, 2021, 4:03:06 PM UTC
                    I already have an iPad. Just not an iPad Pro. So it is a pretty big expense just to get a tablet I can draw on.

                    I’m going to wait and see if I get myself back into drawing. If I do, I will look into a new iPad. Otherwise, it just isn’t worth the expense. Smile
                    • Aug 14, 2021, 1:10:30 AM UTC
                      IF you're going to draw on it, make sure it's compatible with the pencil. IF it is, then go for it. You don't need a pro Smile





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