
Posted Nov 3, 2021, 3:06:08 PM UTC

Character Name: Humility

Character Age: 26

Character Species: Medusa

Hair color: black-green

Eye color: (white with orange and green speckles and dark brown border

Humility grew up in a circus zoo hybrid as one of the main attractions. While they denied her any form of recognition as intelligent human like being, they treated her no different than the other animals, partly even worse.

They taught her how to sing for the show, but claimed that any form of comunication was just a form of repeating and not own intellect.

For the shows they hid all signs of abuse under cloth and makeup.

One day an adventurer dwarf saw her and took pity on her, leading him to free her. she followed him to his home in the north, getting a disguise from him and trying to somehow fit in, not attracting to much attention. The dwarf passed after a short time due to a mysterious illness, that turned him into some kind of ice statue.

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