Shikun Attempt to Steak Sirokko

Posted May 25, 2022, 2:47:14 PM UTC

Sirokko confuse by his sudden death threat from Shikun, but more then anything, she did not hide it...
"Dear Sirokko...please come to my home so I can bloody steak you. Love Shikun..."
short message, to the point but confusing as heck...well she want to take him down, he will be ready for her. he enter her home and announce his presence...could sneak in, but he want her to come to him so he can pounce first. Shikun announce she coming out as Sirokko grip his blade, ready to pounce...instead of Shikun running in with a wooden steak, she skip along out of her kitchen, heaving up a freshly cut bloody raw massive steak. 
"Hey! sorry about before, but this time I think I got it right! a biggest bloodiest steak I can hunt and prepare as fresh as cut from the animal just in time for you to arrive!"
Sirokko is taken aback, but slowly ask her if she knows what steaking is. she smile as she set the plate on the stone table. "I do but jeeze the vampire hunter and book and such do not! they keep talking about feeding the vampire steak only to end up shoving a wooden spike into their chest!! I really hate to see how they feed people mac and cheese, scary..."

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