Shikun the Investigator

Posted May 28, 2022, 8:16:38 PM UTC

Prompt #3 - The Investigators

Jarvin look over the sale records with a grin, with these attacks happening on the cargo line, his competier goods going through the roof making his company goods the prime spot on the market right now. the merchant stock only their goods and if not, risk never seeing their good deliver or trying to sell good 4 time their value price just to cover the lost on shipment. Pretty sweet deal for his boss which only made Jarvin alternative shipment route look like a stroke of genius to his boss....yup, things going just well...

A commotion is heard out side of his office follow by laser fire and the intruder? Why-no, does not matter...the guards will handle this. as he work on alternative trade route to take them out of where the pirate will not happen to be, the commotion get louder and the building shake. Nervous, he walk to the door and close and lock he walk to the desk an explosion is heard and scream right out just from the hall way...scared he hide under the desk, trying to make the office look unoccupied so who ever the intruder is pass by...then the door bust off the hinges as something jump on his desk. Crap! they came here for him!! how? the intruder jump off and landed before him behind the desk as he scream.
"Aaaagh! No! Why?!" but he knows why, he open his eyes and blink seeing a small figure as she lean forward with a growl.
"Why?!" she shouted. "Do you know how inconvenient that the spices for my fire Pot Gumbo is more expensive then all the ingredient of my dish! I will never forgive anyone who make it too expensive for people to feed themselves!!"

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