Alec Portrait

Posted Sep 8, 2022, 2:24:58 AM UTC

Character Name: Alec

Character Age: 20 y/o

Character Species: Anthro Cat

Hair color: Fur is White, Brown, and Orange

Eye color: Green



Occupation: Self-proclaimed Hero.

Financial Status: Poor

Opinion on Travelling: Loves it, and has made it his life.



Positive Traits:
- Heroic; Comes with the whole “helping people” thing
- Observant; Despite seeming dumb, Alec always seems to know what’s going on in his surroundings
- Adventurous; Alec is an explorer at heart, always looking for new places to go
- Loyal; He can be a tough nut to crack, but once you get close you’ll never have a more loyal companion
- Resourceful; Thanks to his life on the move, Alec can do anything, with anything

Negative Traits:
- Disorganized; This man can never keep things in one place. Someone help him.
- Impulsive; He will do things without thinking. You cannot stop him.
- Irresponsible; Please do not put him in charge of anything important.
- Reckless; As I said, does things without acting. Look at all those scars.
- Self-Sacrificial; When in danger, Alec puts himself below others. He’s had a few close calls with death.



Alec left his home, in a tiny village, the second he turned 13. There was no real reason for him to leave, other than that he wanted the taste of adventure. He has never gone back, but sends letters sometimes so that his family knows that he's still around. The scars that litter his body are from various fights, ranging from wild animals to bandits. He doesn't have much of a reputation yet- but he's working on that!

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