
Posted Sep 25, 2022, 12:36:24 PM UTC

Prompt #1 - The Pirates

Your character has thrown their lot in with the raiders of the solar winds! Pirate crews range from loose associations of ragtag criminals to highly sophisticated and tight knit forces. Is your character raiding on their own? As part of a crew? Is your character’s specialty piloting or boarding? Does your character prefer a stealth approach or do they come knocking on the front door of the convoy ships? Draw or write your character as part of the pirate fleet. Your piece must include your character and either space ships, freighter cargo or treasure, or an encounter with a convoy.

Aras and his loot. The drugged pies did the job.

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  • Sep 25, 2022, 2:53:25 PM UTC
    I love your “watercolour” style, as you called it earlier. The muted tones make everything feel so calm. Gorgeous piece.



Aras PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2
648 total points
7 approved points



  • Er will es nicht
  • Jaws
  • Portalteeparty
  • Portalschach
  • Entenflug
  • Brunnendungeon
  • Furzpuppe
  • Aktionfigur
  • Ritter in glänzender Rüstung


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