
Posted Oct 12, 2022, 8:52:11 PM UTC

Demon armors are special magical types of armor. They cannot be worn by mere mortals because they will be cursed and unable to take it off, while the armor completely drains the life energy from them until it ends up killing them. This doesn't pose an issue for undead beings like vampires; it only drains their magical powers. Demon armors are unique. They can be fickle, and may drain magical power from some individuals more than others, depending on their affinity. Either way, they're hard to control and require many years of training before the amount of magical power drain can be reduced to a manageable level.


For this reason, Aras' master considered the cost benefit to be a waste of his time, and never bothered training with it or introducing it to Aras. He just found it out on his own.

And now finally, after years of training in secret, he can make use of a demon armor in battle.

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  • Oct 14, 2022, 1:36:04 PM UTC
    Ooh, I love the story you made for this, too! A very interesting concept. So when Aras wears his armour, his water magic willl be lessened?
    • Oct 14, 2022, 2:05:20 PM UTC
      When I did the crafting, I indicated the greaves are water elemental, although I guess in the drawing, all the magic looks green. I am thinking that he channels a part of his magic power into the armor, and it might well be used by the armor to shield him from some elemental damage, but he'd still be able to use ice spells, so long as he has enough magic power left over that's not drained away by the armor. Particularly after all that training, it should be easier.
      • Oct 15, 2022, 3:48:00 AM UTC
        It is a very cool dynamic. You've developed a really great story here, just by designing armour. I loves it.
  • Oct 12, 2022, 10:55:09 PM UTC
    The way the demon's face is incorporated into the chest plate is so cool!! The magic effects are super neat as well B)



Aras PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2
648 total points
7 approved points



  • Er will es nicht
  • Jaws
  • Portalteeparty
  • Portalschach
  • Entenflug
  • Brunnendungeon
  • Furzpuppe
  • Aktionfigur
  • Ritter in glänzender Rüstung


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