OCL Round 2; Plush Rush

Posted Mar 15, 2023, 6:59:54 PM UTC


While some less attentive thinkers may believe that offensive capability is the sole expression of strength, we at the Academic Collective are in tune with many angles of power. In this challenge, you and your opponent will each be issued three delicate plush toys. The winner will be the competitor who destroys all of their opponents' plushies while protecting at least one of their own. Protect your plushies from your opponent while destroying theirs. You must depict your character, your opponent, and at least the remnants of at least one plushie.


Here we are. This took a really long time and there's a number of things I wish I could have fixed after taking a closer look but this is what I have. Hope you all like. Probably one of my hardest and longest projects by far, hours-wise.


Since the prompt had a more light-hearted and silly feel to it, I wanted the activity itself to represent it. A sports-like event felt about right. I enjoyed the action parts and I wanted a simplistic environment because I was going to be drawing it over and over again. I learned a lot about making comics from this one and I got a bit of practice in perspective. Shading is still something I'm having a bit of trouble with.

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  • Mar 15, 2023, 11:20:00 PM UTC
    Genuinely stunning work - really dynamic actions and poses, and absolutely adore the image of the pair of them slam-dunking those poor plush toys!



Fray PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd849
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