[PaperDemon] Damora's Journal [Talisman]

Posted Apr 12, 2023, 3:02:22 PM UTC

Damora's talisman is a Journal given to her by her partner Nafaris to record her journeys.

Damora had promised her lover that since Nafaris herself couldn't leave the circus, they both would record as much as they saw and send letters (magically) when possible during their travels. During their last stop in a city, before Damora planned to follow her PaperDemon lineage, both bought journals for each other as their last in-person gifts- not knowing how much they could visit each other during both their travels. Damora keeps her journal in her bag.


The journal leaks a weird green smoke every so often when its open for too long.

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Damora PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1005
137 total points
7 approved points



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