Midnight's Mask of Memories

Posted May 18, 2023, 3:47:37 AM UTC

#64 - Dream/Nightmare

Draw or write about a nightmare your character has had about something they fear. Or, alternatively, draw or write about a happy dream your character has had about something they wish for.


Cold. Cavernous. Creaking corridors.

And an atmosphere thick with fear, oppression, and terror.

He was supposed to keep intruders out. That was the right thing to do. That was his job. His life’s calling. His sole responsibility here. If anything, the intruders should be the ones quaking in their boots.

So why was he so scared?

Why did it feel so wrong?

Were they the enemy. . . or was he?


Windy. Warm. Wide-open wasteland.

It was too exposed. But he had been flushed out of his hiding spot already.

No purpose, no goal in mind, except to stay out of sight. Longer than before. Just. . . please, a break from this would be nice. He knew what was coming, that it was unavoidable, and it was going to be misery and defeat on loop.

Why did he keep running?

What was he even fighting in the first place?

The predators. . . or himself?


“006. Come here. Report.”

“You asking me or telling me? I don’t work for you.”

“Do not test my patience today.”



“Their dreams cross over, but they don’t overlap. Pulling up and reliving memories of the other’s past life, though they don’t know that.”

“Okay. Anything else noteworthy?”

“I noticed. . . they both woke up at similar scenes in the dream. One was struck by a huge beast, falling off a cliff. The other sustained a blow from behind, tumbling into a pit.”

“Wouldn’t anyone wake up if they got hit and sent flying in a dream?”

“It was less of the attack that woke them up than the feelings that preceded the attack. They were. . . doubting themselves. Almost self-aware; not in the lucid dream sense, but questioning their purpose and existence. It was interesting. Somewhat unsettling.”

“They have far more in common than it seems.”

“I. . . yes, you’re right. That would explain it.”

“Thank you. This is helpful. You’re free to go.”

“ . . . Will I receive no compensation for my time and intel?”

“You said you don’t work for me. So I’m not obligated to pay you.”

“A fair point. I’m just going to go. . . now. . .”

“Have a good day, Sozo.”

"Likewise, Aultiver."


Well. I'm sure that was very confusing to follow. Love a good bit of unexplained lore :D

(Yes I did combine Scap and Paiko's CD prompts because dreams are funny things when you have access to each other's memory archives without really knowing...)

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  • May 18, 2023, 4:58:38 AM UTC
    A fun character development, sharing dreams! Sounds like they are fun to cross over in subtle, thematic ways.
    • May 31, 2023, 8:17:22 PM UTC
      An interesting duo for sure - more lore to explore ^-^ They've got a complicated relationship (made more complicated by the fact that both of them are now registered and have met some of the same people eheh...)



Scapindex PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1073
290 total points
4 approved points



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