Profile: Aimee Kaur

Posted Jun 1, 2023, 5:52:31 PM UTC

Character Name: Aimee Kaur (a.k.a. Sheherazade)

Character Age: 54

Character Species: Human... Or she used to be.

Hair color: Cool Black

Eye color: Warm Brown

Abilities: Teaching, Linguamancy

Strength: 3/10

Agility: 2/10

Speed: 2/10

Tactics: 6/10

Magic: 6/10

Skill: 4/10

Uncomfortable Subject Matter: None at this time. May be updated. 

Bio: Only child, quiet student… Aimee was neither particularly ambitious or remarkable save the ability she’s never wanted, nor needed. In a world where about 50% of people had some sort of extra-natural ability, if it wasn’t immediately useful or particularly dangerous, abilities like hers were not really looked down upon or outcast. They were just generally ignored.

She trained her linguamancy up on her own time, outside of class or work. The only time she used it publically - outside of creating atmosphere in her current classroom setting, which her students enjoy immensely - was an incident where she defended a friend from a pack of stray dogs by ‘creating’ a lightning strike. Both girls were out of school for several days while their sight and hearing recovered.


Beyond that incident, other than the pestering of her mother to find a suitable husband as she got settled into her teaching carreer, she lived a very contented life for her young years. Not one to stir the pot, cause trouble, or entertain drama, she never expected that, in her late 20's, her life would be turned so completely on its head at a concert. 


From how she recalls it, she met a single widower, Joseph, with his adorable little girl, Lizzy. After a whirlwind romance, the pair eloped and very quickly had a child of their own... But she has her doubts that it's entirely as she remembers it. 


After all... she doesn't remember having goaty hooves or floppy ears before that day... and she keeps getting flashes of something... far more sinister than a simple concert. The Bloodstained Mansion - the band that was supposed to play that day - she hadn't heard of before or since... and it was as if everything she knew was somehow just a very thin veneer covering something she couldn't see. 

Day by day she grows weaker... but she's determined, now that her son is out of the house, to find the truth. With a stronger handle on her magic, she can even maintain a human appearance that no one questions. 


She just hopes that Joseph won't mind if she's gone for a few months... 

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  • Talisman: Ayelen
  • Yuteng the Derpshen


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