
Posted Jun 3, 2023, 11:03:02 PM UTC

Name: Arawn

Age: 56

Species: Elf.... probably

Haircolor: Black/Grey

Eyecolor: light grey


Character Biography

Arawn Lucero wanders land to land as a sort of travelling storyteller. Using his star speckled flesh and his (illegally aquired) degree in Astrology and Mythology, he enamours his audience with tales long forgotten and lost long ago, illustrated by the stars on his skin changing into constellations and asterisms. As to how he aqquired those snippets of poetry.... well thats best left to the imagination. When he's not telling tall tales he often can be found doing small tasks for people; looking after the local children, delivering goods and messanges, knocking on steves door to inform him his wife wants a divorce and is taking the kids etc. He also has an incredibly horrendous hoarding habit and as such has collected an assortment of items over the year ranging fom magically explosive to literal racoon trash.

He has no fixed home and doesn't seem to plan to. Wether that be because he just likes walking miles on miles with his sore old man feet or running from a past of the undead is unknown even to his closest friends.

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