Where the Sky Meets the Sea

Posted Jul 5, 2023, 11:32:05 PM UTC

You would think a demon that spends most of his time in the woods or flying above the treetops wouldn't have an affinity for the element of water most of all. You would be wrong.

Gantyrin isn't much of a mage when it comes to raw power. He can't do much damage at all, really. But what he can do is make sure he and his allies can take a hit and outlast the opponent. He uses water primarily as a healing and shield art, rejuvenating the flow of life within and around himself or stopping attacks cold with icy shields.

He also really likes puns but that's not important right now.


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Gantyrin PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1414
56 total points
7 approved points



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