The Dirt Parts for Me!!

Posted Aug 2, 2023, 3:05:15 PM UTC

"Pictured Above: My powers at their greatest!! Stealthy, necessary! It makes me feel... like I'm at home." - Dr. Actopian, proudly displaying the picture taken.


Doctor Actopian has been granted the Element of Earth, and he has used this ability to part and liquify the dirt around him in order to swim through it. He uses this to transport himself faster, and get the jump on those who aren't expecting him. This power in some form intrigues him, and the meanings behind it keep him searching for answers behind his own granting of powers. He notes in his own scientific journals,

"It almost mocks me, it does! The idea that I, one who studies such things, would be granted this force of unknown impact. What does it mean, it baffles me!!"


Nonetheless, he understands it holds a use to him, and thus he feels greatful towards the abilities.

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