
Posted Aug 3, 2023, 7:30:47 PM UTC

Vincent initially got in to crime as a means to look after himself and a few of his close friends. However, he learned that he was quite skilled in extortion/blackmail and used that to his advantage to rise to the position of crime boss of his gang when he took over the family business from his father. However, after a near death experience thanks to his ex-fiance and her new partner, Vincent's rival, the only thing on Vincent's mind is revenge. At least it was, until he met a particular dancer who goes by both Johnny and Joceline.

Johnny has proven to be a much needed distraction from all the pain, heartbreak, and anger Vincent's been suffering. Witty and entertaining, Johnny's company has been a joy that has been sadly missing from Vincent's life lately, and he is grateful to Johnny for that.

However, it's left Vincent torn. Does he pursue revenge, knowing it could lead him to ruin; or does he allow himself to get close to Johnny and learn what happiness is again?

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