My first weekly Prompt

Posted Aug 7, 2023, 8:15:53 PM UTC

Weekly Prompt #77 Design an album cover based on your character or write a story about your character being in a band or musical group.


Type of music that was the base:

It's like a mix of Moody, Alternative Rock, and Angst, but it's more on the Alternative Rock side.


Why I drew the background:

In my OC's history, he's an assassin. Normally assassins [stereotypically] kill rich people. And sometimes people get most of their money. From gambling. So my OC would spend some time there. Which is why I chose a dice as a background.


Why I drew him inside a Dice:

Aesthetic purposes. As stated before, he's an assassin. He likes staying inside most of the time.


The name of the album: Paradice

Lol just more Aesthetic purposes

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Adonis PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2079
31 total points
5 approved points



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