Chads Green Hoodie (for my scrunkly!)

Posted Aug 8, 2023, 8:17:14 PM UTC

This is a short-sleeved green hoodie worn by Chad. Despite the hood being much bigger than any standard hoodie, Chad can only barely fit their head in. Which is fine, because they'd rather leave it down anyway.

When Chad first appeared, the only thing they were wearing was that hoodie and it seems they had quite the emotional attachment to it already. When getting dressed for that wizarding school, they would often take much longer than any other student, because they would try to put this hoodie over their school-assigned robes (which were already fairly bulky).

When they go through portals and find those badges, they just stick 'em on their hoodie. Less so because they're trying to show off their accomplishments, and moreso because "Ooh, cool shiny thing. *take*".

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Chad PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd994
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