Kamaria Book of Creation

Posted Aug 15, 2023, 5:40:47 AM UTC

Zuri :


Oh? you want to know the origins of my book? Apologies I don't know much of it myself, all I know is that it has been with me for as long as I can remember—my first memories of it are from the day I first opened my eyes.


I was in a dark void, devoid of sound. It was soundlessly even when I moved. I couldn't remember my name, let alone who I was. There is nothing else there but me, that was until a glimmer of light drew my attention. I looked to my right and found a book lying there. I was mesmerized by it and more I stared at it the stronger the desire to pick it up became.


As soon as I placed my hand on the book, murmurs of words pierced through my mind and I understood its purpose and instinctively knew how to utilize it. And then I heard a soft melody followed by a voice breaking the silence of the void. The voice told me that this book was created just for me, they said the book's name was Kamaria. They were the ones who told me of my name and before I could even mutter an attempt to ask about their name a sharp pain struck my throat and before I knew it, the voice had simply disappeared without a trace along with the beautiful soft melody. And the gloomy emptiness of a void continued to stay silent for awhile, Before...




??? :  Before what ?....



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