A Shard of Atlas Sky

Posted Aug 15, 2023, 5:26:52 PM UTC

This is a shard or chip of the Sky - which is a ceiling that prisoners (worst criminals) who go to Atlas Mountain Prison (like Azkaban). Atlas was a greek titan who was punished by having to hold the sky up, after he was killed, other prisoners have been sentenced there. A person can only leave if someone else takes the burden. Shaggy's mother was sentenced there for the poisoning of his Papa and the psychotic killing of several soldiers, but through trickery, Mother was able to pass of 15% of her sentence to her son by passing 15% of her provisions to him. He did not ask for this but was forced to take this sentence because of law. After the sentence, he was released during sunset, when the sky was purplish pink and just as he rolled out a part of the Sky which had been weather chipped of, and as he clutched it as a talisman. He later put it inside of the broken pocket watch his Papa had owned as a keepsake.

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