why stop at letters?

Posted Oct 22, 2023, 3:06:37 AM UTC

I was doing the letter prompts and I thought that Galassia would always be writing for business between possible and current connections. so how would she do it with her close(er) friends? I figured she would have her earrings and some gems/rocks/stones enchanted/made so that she could talk to them any time she wanted to. kinda like face timing lol. of course it would only be very often because everyone, including herself,  has a life. but she is not opposed to sending letters to anyone, or a face-to-face verbal conversation. which she is more equipped to do because of her travel buddy. but she is always open to any way of communicating. even in a game of charades. 


Care to guess the answer? 

it's two words, and the category is videogame. hehehehe 

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