Penny among Jewels - Character Development

Posted Oct 30, 2023, 9:44:49 PM UTC

Draw or write about your character's actions at a party or formal event. How are they dancing, if at all? Are they drinking or socializing?

She could not believe these people. Everyone was so joval as they danced, clapped, and gosiped. From an outside perspective it was a wonderful time and place, and there was no denying that there were some wonderful people there, but Penny couldn't help but despise them. The pampered rich that ate out of the pockets of the poor with taxes and policies that only served them and left everyone else starved. Penny knew that not all of them were corrupt and greedy monsters, but their wealth came from somewhere and she felt it was a shame that their jewels and coins were hoarded in heaps with no purpose. How could money have value if it was never used?

The host stood up to the microphone and started announcing the purpose for this gathering. Penny suppressed a disgusted shudder as she was reminded of how this was his tenth year anniversary of becoming a millionaire.

"When you have enough money to be a millionaire, you've got too much." She thought to herself and she felt the silk purse strap on her shoulder. Good news for her, no one suspected that a thief was running about. In her simple yet elegant dress she had mangaged to sneak in and lighten the load of everyone there. It wasn't like they would miss what she took: it was negligable compared to what they had. Feeling justifying and satisfied with her heist, Penny walked out the door. Playing Robin Hood wasn't her usual style, but she wasn't going to miss this chance to stick it to the upper class. Besides, all this extra coin would just weigh her down, and she knew several people who would love a surpise money bag on their door step. She knew several people who needed it.

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