
Posted Dec 8, 2023, 8:37:11 PM UTC

Standing in front of the mirror-like surface of ice, Rigmor examined their reflection. It appeared blurry at first, but the longer the witch doctor looked, the more clear the image on the other side became... and it wasn't Rigmor.

The stranger looked familiar, wearing the same attire of a witch doctor from the home town, however Rigmor couldn't recall seeing this particular mask before. Despite this fact, they felt as if they knew new this person for a long time.


The idea for this drawing comes from the experience of designing Rigmor. I was stuck with their mask design for more than a month, and during this time, I've created a few variants for it, all of which were rejected. The alternative version of Rigmor in the reflection wears a mask based on one of these designs.

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  • Dec 8, 2023, 8:49:45 PM UTC
    Ooh, this is cool! I love the idea of Rigmor seeing the alt version of themself in the reflection, it's so creative!!



Rigmor PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2465
151 total points
5 approved points



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  • Epiale encounter
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  • Starting the search
  • Peaceful exploration


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