At least the moonlight isn't harsh...

Posted Dec 19, 2023, 10:45:19 AM UTC

Prompt 5: After you crawl back to the surface, draw your character in the woods under the moon’s light, in shades of black, gray, and blue, except for the moon and stars themselves.


His encounter with the Godspawn has been rough, most certainly, but at least he's out of that fetid well.  Once he's back on his feet, he'll see about putting the wretched creature in her place.

(Thank you Scatteriskity for lending me your character!)

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  • Dec 19, 2023, 1:48:20 PM UTC
    Waah this is so cool, I love the lighting and the posing (poor Bertrand looks winded... you can do it buddy!)

    Aww I just realized they're both mask buddies too ^-^ Thank you for duocasting with Scap!
    • Dec 19, 2023, 2:25:53 PM UTC
      Thank you very much! Glad you think so! (Yeah, he's been through a lot already... He'll get back up eventually, he just needs time.)

      No problem btw! ^^