Posted Dec 29, 2023, 7:28:33 PM UTC

Prompt 11: Write about or draw your character fleeing the creature’s brother: the Greater Godspawn.

Basil was fluttering around in the dark woods, looking for her creator Stella. She had heard that Käreitär had to be taken to the hospital by a big red Oni, who was sent to help do a search and rescue. She was naive to the forces that lurked in the creepy woods, rumors being that it was a haunted place.

As they went deeper, they cross paths with a grumpy living tree, who was taken surprise by the small plant fae. His branches curved like tentacles, shielding himself from Basil.

"Get away from me, freak!" he exclaims.

"W-wait a minute!" Basil replies, "Aren't you the big guy everyone thought was gonna kill them?"

"W-what?! No! Are they out of their minds! I simply told them to stay away from that freak of a girl! I can't deal with anymore casualties done by her."

"Well you look kinda grumpy."

The living tree - known as the "Greater Godspawn" sighed at Basil. His roots relaxed, and he takes a pause before explaining himself.

"The books are inaccurate as hell, kid. I am just a dumb creature living in an even dumber place. Those things you think are our 'parents'? They're mindless jerks. I spent the whole day working my roots off in other worlds. And my sister? She's a big lunatic, one of the worst of us."

The Greater Godspawn lets out a deep sigh, before continuing.

"Those ugly rats keep on bugging me day and night, demanding me to go make tribute so they can 'feast on the lives of mortals'. Blegh! I never killed anyone! They did it to themselves! It's not my fault they can't get their cornea straight."

Basil wondered if this monstrous tree was just a big brother trying to fulfill family expectations. He seemed pretty upset not by the intrusion of his house, but the demands his otherworldly parent/s impose on him. Compared to his lunatic sister, he seems to be more aware and sane, just under constant distress that he can't catch a single break.


"Where do you work in, kind sir?" Basil asks the Greater Godspawn.

"Ah, don't get too polite, kid. I just simply work in the nature department, helping other species maintain natural habitats in other worlds. I can tell you so much, but right now, I feel like I can't process this."

"What do you know about your sister?"

"... Your mind is very ripe for some adult knowledge, but kid, telling the truth can give massive consequences. But you're so young, I can see that you remind me of my younger self. Fine, I'll tell you all about her."

He explained to Basil about the "Lesser Godspawn" - that lunatic he called a "sister". She's more active and notorious than him. The Greater Godspawn is most disappointed in her because since she can adapt to humans quicker than he can, he could have abandoned her for adoption, let some otherworldly being make her a real girl, not a psychopath. At the same time, he pities her, for she was shown to be ripe for innocence. What makes her truly insane is that she still thinks her alien parent is true with its promises of a living, loving family.

In reality, neither of them did get the same affection for the parental love they deserved.


"Have you seen or heard the countless killings she went through?" Basil asked.

The tree groans lowly. "I warned her many times to not pick a fight with those mortals and gods. They can end her in one go, since she's the biggest idiot, if not my dumb parent. The 'Mantis Scythe'? That's on the news, I didn't really care if she lost that monster arm of hers she proudly boasts to me. Honestly, whoever took it home is a brave one. I can praise this person and get to know their adventures more."

"Oh! You mean my creator Stella?" Basil lights up, wanting to know her whereabouts.

"Stella, that's her name?" The Greater Godspawn gave a small smile on his crooked face. "She's pretty brave to pull it off. The news said she had this 'shikigami' with her that gave off the brightest vibes. If I can find this 'shikigami', then maybe they'll give me a peace of mind."

"Have you seen this creepy tall woman with black hair? She's said to have performed something dark on the Lesser Godspawn."

"Who? Never heard of her. And if you mean black magic, well that's not my field to meddle in with. If this creepy woman did it to my sister, then I'm more than relieved that the lunatic learns her lesson. She's being more of a trouble to me. Heck, if I can put it in mortal terms, she also has a case of 'schizophrenia'. She believes I'm there, when I was working my roots off in other worlds!"


"I heard terrifying tales, one of them being that she likes to sweep lost children and raise them as her own."

The Greater Godspawn's mind clicked, as if he remembered something.

"... Oh, you mean the legend of the... um... What's that? D-Dai-yo-sha or something?"

"Dayosa, sir."

"Yeah, that. If this Dayosa can do black magic, then I applaud her for maintaining such a stable position over it. Not many would come out alive as clean as they think. And if you are looking for her, I don't know where she is, and I never seen your friend Stella either."

Basils smile drops, replaced with pondering. "... Oh. So they must have went somewhere."


He looks at Basil like an old wise man looking at a child.

"Kid, if you wanna be as aspiring as your creator, just remember: Wealth and fortune does not make you happy. It makes you soiled." The Greater Godspawn advises Basil, "Don't end up like me or anyone that claims to be proud. You have a hard and deadly road ahead, and none of it is gonna be very easy. There are no shortcuts in life, kiddo. The best thing you can do is enjoy your life, and do the things that reflect who you are and what makes you happy. Don't ever, EVER, take even your family's word as truth. I learned it the hard way when I saw my sister's delusions... She scares me."

"Stella doesn't decide things for me. Even if it looks like she's neglecting me, she didn't really scold me for going alone." Basil explains to the Greater Godspawn.

"Remember, she's human too. She can make mistakes, and apologize for anything she did wrong. I'm relieved your maker is not so strict, compared to those that treat their creations like a product..."

"Wait, how do you know I'm man-made?"

"Ah, kid, look at you! If I were to do a blood test on you, you won't have a single fae gene in you!" he laughs merrily, "It's nice talking to someone as understanding as you. But if you see your Stella or this Dayosa friend, tell them that they have my thanks - even if they kinda gave my sister a hard lesson."

"Will you ever find a way to escape your parent's grasp?" asks Basil.

The tree sighed, "I am trying, kid. I don't even remember my age, nor how long I lived in that cursed world. Their voices sound like they came from an asylum of idiots and lunatics. I just can't sleep when their voices intrude my mess of a brain. You mortals can mute your cellphones and block contacts, but whenever I try to do it on myself, I get this massive headache that puts my life on the line."

"I hope you find a happier life in whatever world you wish to live in. But thanks for the talk, mister!"

Basil flies past the Greater Godspawn, still looking for Stella and Lara Kai. The monster tree sighs, wondering if anyone can just help this traumatized elder sibling of a monster find peace in his life. He simply wished to escape his deluded parent's grip on him, and live a life for himself.

But maybe someday he'll get what he and his sister deserved.


Pacifist piece number 2.

Because Basil is a child OC, they get the no-violence route. Unfortunately, the prompts are too adult for Basil themself, compared to Stella, Käreitär, and Lara Kai just going through them like it's another Monday. And I wanted to do a funny twist with the Greater Godspawn, since there's enough info that the Lesser Godspawn is a legit Sachiko-turned-up-to-eleven type (A real lunatic). Maybe dynamic opposites for siblings since there's scarce info on him, other than "he's terrifying".

This was in my head if not a Duocast.

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