Rogues' patron saint

Posted Jan 5, 2024, 7:04:12 PM UTC

The rain still hadn't stopped. Nocturne straightened his shoulders as he pulled the talisman out of his small pouch and looked at it more closely. His father had given him this talisman at birth. A sign of power and a token of lineage: all these things  had no value for Nocturne in a world without family and love. He was only a half-breed, neither demon nor human. This talisman did not change anything. In the cool rain, a small red glow appeared in the crescent-shaped slit of the talisman's metal. Nocturne leaned forward to take a closer look at the amulet, when all at once the metal gave way to a sight that sent a cold shiver down the rogue's spine. He almost dropped it when he saw the living and moving red eye in the metal. Why had it opened right now? At this moment, when Nocturne had felt more alone and lonely than he had in a long time, in the middle of the streets of this city. 

Was that voice in his head? The eye now focused the glowing red iris right on him and Nocturne brought the talisman closer to his face to examine it.
Let go of the past and everything that weighs you down so much in your thoughts and feelings and focus only on me. I am here to help you, I am here to guide you to true strength.

I will guide you...
"Is that so?" Nocturne let the talisman dart in front of him and leaned back before closing his eyes and feeling the rain just on his skin for a brief moment. True strength, was that something he was capable of?

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  • Jan 6, 2024, 9:38:15 AM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on Jan 6, 2024 by heyyyyyyy
    omg this is so cool!!!
    The rendering is amazing and the eye looks so realistic!
  • Jan 5, 2024, 9:56:55 PM UTC
    I adore the detail and the lighting!!



Nocturne PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3844
5 total points
5 approved points




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