suruista tehty

Posted Jan 14, 2024, 4:34:01 PM UTC

"And all things go to one place: of earth they were made, and into earth they return together."


The entity's magical prowess manifests as something that could be called bone bending. In its current form, such is new to the child after its alleged reincarnation, and the creature stumbles through it uncertainly and wobbly, like a newborn foal.


With the foreign craft at the entity's grasp, it is able to give shape to companions, constructs, weapons, and tools - and at this point, who knows what else. These incarnations are constructed out of bones of once living beings, be it animals or people. Especially first materializations can look crude and haphazard - something made out of shoelaces and bubblegum, with bone shards added to the mix - but repetition often betters their outcome. However, considering the medium they are molded out of, they can never be flawless recreations. These items and constructs often have a macabre, even grotesque undertone to them.


Manipulation of bare bone mass can't be done without the creature's bear bone kantele - however, for this purpose, the magic doesn't stem exclusively from the music its strings create. Instead, the power is invoked mainly by hits and drummed rhythms on the instrument's body, and occasionally flicks at the strings themselves. The creature often dons an assortment of other tools and accessories to aid its wordless chanting, as such increases the rate of success, and sometimes even potency. The most common of these are reindeer antlers, whole bear paws, and an assortment of teeth from various mammals used for rattling.


A bony summon already manifested by these rhythmic repeating beats can be strengthened to a degree, when the sound of the strings is added to accompany them. Such is however somewhat difficult to pull off, and its payoff often not worth the strain.

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