Weirdest Crossover

Posted May 12, 2024, 8:15:57 PM UTC

Prompt #81- Athena was enjoying being a mermaid, swimming around the City of Lost Songs Portal. She was about to relax by sunbathing on the rock shores when a random vortex sucked her into its grasp. As she managed to escape from the vortex, Athena found herself in different waters. She searched everywhere for a familiar face since she didn't know what to do. Before she could fully panic, Athena noticed a sliver of red reflecting on the water's surface. Curious, she swam up to the surface and had the weirdest encounter ever: meeting Penny from another timeline. (At this time, she hasn't met the original Penny yet.) They were surprised by each other's presence, but they quickly became friends and shared stories about their lives. That's where Athena learned that Penny was born rich in this modern world; however, she was miserable with her life since she couldn't go anywhere because she's trapped inside a cage. Athena felt sorry for her and wished she could be more of help to her.

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Athena PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2383
125 total points
5 approved points



  • Athena the Rock Greenling Mermaid
  • Athena's Flowers
  • Wild Adventure towards Relaxation
  • Athena- the Sin of Envy
  • Athena- the Virtue of Patience
  • Athena's Candyland Gala Dress
  • Traveling through the City of Eir
  • Winter Fun & Misery in Leaves
  • She's so Blue and Cold


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