Comment 10220

Parent Comment

Jul 30, 2005, 10:37:07 AM UTC
Wow, TMD! You're so good drawing fairies, i think they're my favorites of yur drawings, it seems like it is truly yur style! Great job!!! I think everything is perfect, there's only one thing i'd work on, her face, if you define it a bit more, it will change yur drawing a lot. Its only an advice, but try to define the place under her nose her chin. Great job, i cant wait to see it coloured!!!!!!!!! Bon travail petite grenouille (j'espère que cela ne te dérange pas, au Québec tout ceux qui parle francais sont des grenouilles...c'est pour ca que je t'appel ainsi!!! Gros becs)

Comment ID 10220

[Art] Dragonfly
Jul 30, 2005, 10:46:18 AM UTC on [Art] Dragonfly
O///O Thank you SO much!! =^_^= This is only the second fairy I've drawn so I was worried about how it turned out. (The last one I submitted was my first)

Thanks for the input! ^_^ I'll get right on it!!

Refroidir!! Si, je suis une grenouille? Cela est grand! J'aime les grenouilles! ^_^


  • Jul 30, 2005, 10:52:23 AM UTC
    The people who started to call us Frogs, thought it would insult us but they were wrong. We're proud to be frogs! I think its was to laugh at our french ancestry, because the french from France, eat frogs legs!
    And about yur fairies, theyre gorgeous!!!!!PLease draw more!
    • Jul 30, 2005, 10:59:22 AM UTC
      Cool!! I want to be a frog too! lol Though, I'm not French in the least. X_X I'm Irish, and I look it too. lol I keep getting taller and I hate it. I'm 5' 6" now and almost 5' 7". I wanna be short!!! Laughing