Comment 10231

Parent Comment

Jul 30, 2005, 11:03:50 AM UTC
I have no idea who came up with that, but I'd like to let them have a piece of my mind. XP lol
lol I like how it looks. Usually when I tell people that, they think I'm gthic. Far from it. People say I've got taste in clothes like a hippie. lol
When I was 9, I could sit on my hair. It was REALLY long and REALLY blond. well, one day I get this bucket sized thing of neon pink hair dye, and dyed my whole head like that. My mom was not pleased, but I did that stuff all the time. Plus it was dye. It's not like she could get it out. LOL

Comment ID 10231

[Art] InuYasha
Jul 30, 2005, 11:09:03 AM UTC on [Art] InuYasha
Wow, that's funny! lol I know my mom would have slaughtered me if I did something like that, dyeing my hair hot pink! Laughing
But I mean, it's hair, right? It grows back out, you can cut it, you can color it, whatever. I mean, you might as well have fun with it, right?? Wink


  • Jul 30, 2005, 11:17:19 AM UTC
    It was super fun that summer, though!! Laughing
    That's exactly how I see it! It took a long time for my mother to get used to how psycho I can be about some things. My entire style threw her through a loop at first. My sister never dyed her hair, always dressed in super plain clothes, was really quiet, was always just going along with the crowd... then there was me! And, me and my sister have NOTHING in common. LOL My mom doesn't give a rat's tutu what I do now. She gave up on the idea that I'd be like Mandy a few years ago. Very Happy
    • Jul 30, 2005, 11:19:16 AM UTC
      Lol! You finally convinced her you were beyond all hope! Laughing
      • Jul 30, 2005, 11:24:58 AM UTC
        =^_^= That's right! As long as I have perfect grades, she doesn't care. Laughing Just last week I asked her if I should dye my hair blue striped again and she said "Katie, I don't care if you dye your face with blue stripes. Just stay on top of your school work." LOL
        • Jul 30, 2005, 11:28:10 AM UTC
          Lol! She really has given up! Good thing you keep up with your schoolwork Laughing
          • Jul 30, 2005, 11:33:43 AM UTC
            ^_^ That's about all she CAN do. She can't watch me every second of every day. It's just not possiable. *snicker* Tongue