Comment 10713

Parent Comment

Aug 2, 2005, 5:24:19 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Aug 2, 2005 by AnimeBoyToyKoibito
LoL YEs we shall spread our emotions and soon EVERYONE SHALL BE OUR FOLLOWERS!!! Evil

Blink Innocent

WE ARE SO ALIKE!!! Very Happy My friends think so too, even though I always tell them they are fine the way they are. -shrugs- But they just don't learn. -sigh- Oh well... at least we are there to try and brighten them up!!

Comment ID 10713

[Art] Enslaved Angel
Aug 2, 2005, 7:30:02 PM UTC on [Art] Enslaved Angel
YAY!!! Actually, in real life my friend, Meg, made a fan club for me. There' like 10 people in it. When she told me I was like "Dizzy wau....". LOL!

I know, isn't it great?!!! ^__^ Yeah, I'll always be there for them. So even if they don't luv themselves, I'll luv them for them. lol! ^_^


  • Aug 2, 2005, 9:06:07 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Aug 2, 2005 by AnimeBoyToyKoibito
    Omg... you too?!?! My friend Ana started a fan club for me too. Supposedly all my friends are part of it. They act as if I am some one to worship or something. I don't want that I just want friends!! Not for them to be on a daily basis of Worship

    We are so alike!! Now I am very proud to be called your 'little sister'!! LoL Now... TO VIEW YOUR ART!!! LoL
    • Aug 3, 2005, 12:36:27 AM UTC
      Are you serious?! That's so weird!! I've never talked to anyone else they did that! My friend who started this gets down on one knee when she first sees me in the morning at school and she calls me "mi Lady Katie". lol

      Wee! Same here! I'm proud to be 'older sister' too! In real life I'm the youngest. My only sister is almost 27 and is married and had one kid. So I'm like an only child. Doh
      • Aug 3, 2005, 10:21:46 AM UTC
        YEs the whole thing is kind of freakish. I mean I feel very loved and cool, but.... the whole thing is just one step from stalker club. Dizzy

        In real life I am the youngest and only girl! -SPOILED ALERT- My eldest brother is in College so we hardly ever see him. My other one is always out so I am always the only one around. I stay home alone a lot. I feel like an only child too. Which makes me even more spoiled. Dizzy
        • Aug 3, 2005, 11:14:59 AM UTC
          O_O" I asked my friend one time why she made the fan club and all that and she said "Because, Katie, you're like a god. Perfect in every way." I was like "uh... yeah... I'm nice n happy and all... but perfect?" Crazy friends, I tell yah! lol

          Oh, but isn't spoiled a good thing? ^_~ Yeah, I'm super spoiled too. I like it. LOL!! Yes, I'm home alone a lot too. I don't go out much anymore. lol
          • Aug 3, 2005, 11:35:01 AM UTC
            My friends are kind of obsessed with me, the are always trying to please me. I just try to kind of change the subject every now and then. Friends can have some serious mental problems. Maybe we should like start a fan club for ourselves and worship... ourselves. Blink

            Yes spoiledness is so great!! I hardly go out either. Oh well.. At least I have fun home alone... most of the time... Ponder
            • Aug 3, 2005, 2:42:04 PM UTC
              Eh, like I said, my friends are crazy too. But, that's what I love most about them. They're all SO different!

              lol That's why I made friends on the internet. Someone in some country is always on. ^_^
              • Aug 3, 2005, 3:26:29 PM UTC
                Yes I agree completely!! Everything you said are exactly my thoughts and facts!!
                • Aug 3, 2005, 4:16:13 PM UTC
                  Perhaps we're not just sisters, but twins. Oooo.....
                  • Aug 3, 2005, 4:33:50 PM UTC
                    Oooo... perhaps.... twins seperated at birth. But then why was I born months after you? Ponder Maybe my birthday was/is a lie?

                    • Aug 3, 2005, 4:50:45 PM UTC
                      Maybe the guy who wrote out your birth certificate was busy and wrote the wrong month?
                      • Aug 3, 2005, 7:45:05 PM UTC
                        Wow, to have it off by THAT far... we should find this guy and beat him up for seperating us. THat would teach him.... Evil
                        • Aug 3, 2005, 8:02:05 PM UTC
                          lol uh-huh!! He'd be sure to send children home with the right birth certificates next time! lol Did you know that 12 babies in the US alone are sent home with the wrong parents every year and no one realizes it till they get bolld testing and stuff for their jobs? It's kinda scary when you think about it...
                          • Aug 3, 2005, 8:04:58 PM UTC
                            Yes maybe we should put him up with the plagerist and the two evil teachers when we find him. Evil

                            That is scary to think about isn't it? But I also think that your family is the people who cared for you and who you grew up with. Of course I shall make an exception every once in a while. ^^
                            • Aug 3, 2005, 8:09:10 PM UTC
                              LOL Good idea! We shall have to do that!! Evil

                              I know, right? Some times I wonder if that happened to me because I don't look a whole lot like my family. lol Yeah, these are the people I've lived with for 14 years. ^_^
                              • Aug 4, 2005, 1:08:13 PM UTC
                                Same here. Haha, well this has gotten rather long no? ROFL
                                • Aug 4, 2005, 4:14:55 PM UTC
                                  What's the fun in something unless it's LONG and DRAWN-OUT? lol! You're right, but, one time I was chatting with Meg (stealth nerd) on a comment for like, a month. ROFL
                                  • Aug 4, 2005, 6:18:17 PM UTC
                                    Hahahaha. Good point!!

                                    Well then, I must beat that record and go for more than a month!! MWHUAHAHAHAH!!

                                    Blink Innocent What evil laugh? I don't know what you are talking about.
                                    • Aug 4, 2005, 8:32:55 PM UTC
                                      LOL!!! Good idea! We'll see how long we can keep this up. You're gonna have 10,000 comments on this one... LOL!!

                                      I've got no idea what you're talking about. I hear no evil laughing. Wink
                                      • Aug 5, 2005, 12:53:18 AM UTC
                                        LoL That sure si going to make me feel good!! XP Hmmm... now to think of some topics to talk about. Or maybe we shall just let them came as they come.

                                        That sounds good!! Come as they come!! WOO!! HYPER!! LoL

                                        That is right, because I didn't laugh evilly. So there is nothing to not hear because nothing was voiced to hear....


                                        Dizzy What did I just say?!? Dizzy
                                        • Aug 5, 2005, 7:31:34 AM UTC
                                          LOL I get hyper when I eat chocolate. The good thing for that is, I don't 90% of chocolate. lol I'm not a big sweets fan. lol

                                          Dizzy I've got no idea either... LOL
                                          • Aug 5, 2005, 8:00:05 AM UTC
                                            LoL, I get hyper whenever one of the many plants in my house goes throu the process of photosynthesis. Dizzy

                                            But it is only cuz I am cool. :cool:

                                            But really, I am hyper almost all day every day. Except right now, this isn't hyper, this is tired and mad at the kid who went right out side my window and started crying his lungs out when I only got like two hours of sleep. Mad I can't get back to it. It was so comfortable. Cry

                                            LoL I think I said something about... saying stuff... or not saying stuff... or something... Dizzy
                                            • Aug 5, 2005, 9:28:37 AM UTC

                                              I have a 30 ft. brick wall around 2 sides of my house, a private courtyard on another side, and I live on a main street. There's no people for a block and a half so I don't have to worry about things like that. lol Oh, and the 30 ft. brick wall is a church, the people from the insane asylum havn't found me yet. Laughing
                                              • Aug 5, 2005, 10:09:45 AM UTC
                                                LOL!! My house is in one of those towns where you go and get the house made brand new for you. People are everywhere. You see the thing that irked me most about the kid was I am on teh second floor of my house, my window was closed, and i had a pillow over my head. Don't ask me how I end up like tha t sometimes. AND I COULD STILL HEAR HIM CRYING!! Dizzy

                                                Oh well, whatevar. Hmmm... I have a friend who said that the nice people in the white coats that bring me that really nice jacket forgot to pick me up one too many times. But man is that jacket cozy.... Upsidedown
                                                • Aug 5, 2005, 11:11:59 AM UTC
                                                  lol See, I live in New Jersey. There's probably the same number, or more, of horses as people here. LOL I would HATE to live some place that was crowded like that. *shudder*

                                                  LOL Yeah, me and my friend from off-line are always joking that someday someone's gonna take us to that nice padded room... LOL Yes, those are the most confy jackets, ne? Laughing
                                                  • Aug 5, 2005, 11:26:10 AM UTC
                                                    Hahah, I live in aurora and chicago, I say andbecause we still have our old house in chicago. My dad just won't get rid of it!! REally I live in the suburbian part of the town, and it is usually very quiet. Oh.. but the day I decide to stay up until 6:oo AM That kid decides I need a wake up call. Well, Its all good no?

                                                    Hahaha, yes it is very fun/funny!! I just love making fun of myself!! It is so fun, and no one takes something the wrong way!!

                                                    Oh, the most comfy!! I never had such a nice cozy one before in my life!! ROFL
                                                    • Aug 5, 2005, 11:40:05 AM UTC
                                                      I've never moved in my life. We've lied in this house 18 years. lol!! Isn't that the way it always goes? You could fall asleep at 12:00 every night of the year, but one night you stay up, and something happens. I did that a few weeks ago. I was up till 5:30AM chatting with my friend, and at 6:15 that morning my sister decided to hold her hand over my mouth so I'd wake up and freak out. @_@ Yeah, it is all good though! ^_^

                                                      I know, right? There's no way you're gonna piss someone off. LOL
                                                      • Aug 5, 2005, 12:53:20 PM UTC
                                                        I have moved to so many houses it isn't even funny. I never really got a chance to make real true friends, except in this house. We have stayed here a whole FIVE years!! WhoA!! LoL But since I have friends on the internet now I won't be so lonely no more!

                                                        Really? I thought it was just me that happenes to! I call it the Melissa snese that everyone and thing has. If I am relaxing the sense kicks in and someone comes or something ruins it. Welps... my mom I would say more but my mom is nagging at me and my stomach is starting to turn from the cleaning thing she is using.

                                                        So yeah... Hahahaha. Actually no.. no hahaha, my tummy hurts now. >< Darn it!
                                                        • Aug 6, 2005, 11:10:08 AM UTC
                                                          lol You sound like my mom. She used to move like every other year untill she was 16.

                                                          Uch, I hate those smells too. They make me so sick I have to either leave or hurl. @_@
                                                          • Aug 6, 2005, 6:24:51 PM UTC
                                                            Hahahaha Well, at least I am sure that I am still going to be in this house when I am 16 so YAY!!

                                                            Indeed, but usually I can take them and some I like, but this one... it just makes my stomach react for some reason.
                                                            • Aug 7, 2005, 12:42:40 AM UTC
                                                              lol Well, congratulations on NOT moving! LOL!!

                                                              See, toxic smells like that just flip my stomach around. I hate the smells in a hospital the worst. Sick
                                                              • Aug 7, 2005, 8:36:35 AM UTC
                                                                Thank you thank you -bows- I would like to thank my mom for not letting our dad get the idea of moving again.... and thats it pretty much.

                                                                Yeah, and now I am coincidentally sick and throwing up all the food I haven't eaten. And I would place any amount of money on the bet that it was that darn toxic smell.

                                                                Yes, hospital smells are the worst. Sick
                                                                • Aug 8, 2005, 6:26:19 AM UTC

                                                                  Oh, I hope you feel better! I hate it when I'm sick. I think mostly because I almost NEVER get sick so when I do, it's worse. @_@
                                                                  • Aug 8, 2005, 4:04:53 PM UTC
                                                                    That is how it is with me! When I get sick its horrible because I NEVER get sick. @_@ So it sucks... Annoyed

                                                                    Oh well right? I will get better so its all good.
                                                                    • Aug 9, 2005, 2:36:49 PM UTC
                                                                      Tis be true! ^_^ That's yet another luvly thing about being always happy, you can always just take it as it comes. ^_^
                                                                      • Aug 9, 2005, 6:25:53 PM UTC
                                                                        Oh yes so many perks about being happy that I grow oh so confused why people WANT to be SAD!! Its so.... weird. Oh well, maybe one day we will understand...
                                                                        not who knows?

                                                                        I actually would prefer not findingout really... just let things be as they are.
                                                                        • Aug 9, 2005, 7:54:07 PM UTC
                                                                          I know, right? And they WANT to be that way!! @_@ Crazy peoples don't know what their missing. lol!!

                                                                          Yeah, we'll just go with the flow on this one. Laughing
                                                                          • Aug 9, 2005, 8:27:21 PM UTC
                                                                            LoL Hey its their own grave their digging no?

                                                                            Hahaha, going with the flow can have its perks, but sometimes I lie to break said flow, only to later join, and then repeat the process....

                                                                            Where did that come from?? Huh? Ponder
                                                                            • Aug 9, 2005, 8:58:24 PM UTC

                                                                              Oh, I totally understand! That's why I said "with this". lol I go agenst the grane all the time. I walk to the beat of a different drum and it;s wonderful! ^_^

                                                                              I dunno, but it was fun! lol
                                                                              • Aug 10, 2005, 12:19:57 AM UTC
                                                                                And we have yet to disagree.... WOO!

                                                                                YEs, I like to set my own flow after having been in one flow for a bit that way I have followers to come join my flow, then, i stay in that one and when it gets out of Hand i do the same.

                                                                                Fun or stupid? Ponder Because I think that either one will do. ^^
                                                                                • Aug 10, 2005, 5:18:41 AM UTC
                                                                                  lol!! Sounds good to me! lol

                                                                                  Well, if we always just went with someone else we wouldn't have anything special about us. Then we'd be... NORMAL!!! *shreaks* What a horrid thought. @_@ Laughing

                                                                                  Hmm... I think in some dictionary on the other side of earth, there's probably a word that's a mix of the two. lol I think that would be right. ^_^
                                                                                  • Aug 10, 2005, 11:18:20 AM UTC
                                                                                    Very Happy

                                                                                    Yes, that is true. And we wouldn't want that because we are special!! Yay!! OMG THAT IS THE FORSAKEN WAORD NEVER SPEAK and/or TYPE IT AGAIN!! -runs away in horror-

                                                                                    Hmmm... then I shall visit this place on teh other side of the earth so I may retrieve said word!!

                                                                                    • Aug 10, 2005, 7:21:34 PM UTC
                                                                                      LOL!! Oh, that was just to funny! Laughing

                                                                                      Cool! I shall come with! Yes
                                                                                      • Aug 10, 2005, 8:31:35 PM UTC
                                                                                        Wacko Hey, I just put my nonsesne down and people find it funny. Works for me!! ^.^

                                                                                        Ok, then when shall we find time and money? Because taht is the only way we can make our trip... Ponder Huh?
                                                                                        • Aug 11, 2005, 6:28:01 AM UTC
                                                                                          lol Isn't it luvly when it all works like that. Laughing

                                                                                          hmm.... Give me a minute and I'll figure something out. lol

                                                                                          Oh, and I'm going camping from today till Saturday so I won't be on. ^_^
                                                                                          • Aug 14, 2005, 3:51:38 PM UTC
                                                                                            Yes, its so very lovely.

                                                                                            Ok.... -one minute later- Got anything? Anxious O.O

                                                                                            Awwww.... but its sunday now.... so your back right? Right??!?! Cry PLEASE SAY YOUR BACK!!!
                                                                                            • Aug 15, 2005, 7:07:23 AM UTC
                                                                                              lol Yeah, I'm back.

                                                                                              Oooo!! I kinda know! Could we like, sit on street corners and draw for tips? Laughing
                                                                                              • Aug 17, 2005, 3:31:09 PM UTC
                                                                                                YAY!! Welcome back then!! Wave Bounce

                                                                                                Ooooo!! That would be fun AND awarding!! WOO!! Your so smart!!
                                                                                                • Aug 19, 2005, 1:34:19 PM UTC
                                                                                                  Sorry I took so long to reply; my internet was down. Then I slept voer my friend's house last night. lol

                                                                                                  Oh, thank you! lol
                                                                                                  • Aug 21, 2005, 2:38:23 PM UTC
                                                                                                    Oh no prob at all, I've hardly had any time to myself as of late, so its all good.

                                                                                                    Haha, anytime. So now to dicuss how we are going to meet, and where... o.o This is so complicated....
                                                                                                    • Aug 22, 2005, 5:49:15 AM UTC
                                                                                                      lol Well, we can't do anything toooo crazy till we're 18. So, I've got time to figure it out! yay! lol!!
                                                                                                      • Aug 23, 2005, 4:09:29 PM UTC
                                                                                                        Hahaha, well maybeh not toooo crazy, but still very crazy!! Because were cool like that! LoL

                                                                                                        And don't worry... We WILL figure something out... or else my name isn't Maria!!


                                                                                                        And its not.... What?

                                                                                                        • Aug 23, 2005, 8:40:02 PM UTC
                                                                                                          LOL!!! Hey, what is your name? lol Mine is Katie.
                                                                                                          • Aug 24, 2005, 8:15:59 PM UTC
                                                                                                            LoL Mine is Melissa. Weird, we are supposed to be sisters and we don't even know each others names!! O.O

                                                                                                            LoL Ah well, no one has to know about this.... >_>

                                                                                                            LoL Evil Grin
                                                                                                            • Aug 25, 2005, 7:31:41 PM UTC
                                                                                                              Laughing That's true! No one had to know. It's not like either of us is gonna post that 2 sisters didn't know eachother's names on a public website that anyone can access. LOL
                                                                                                              • Aug 28, 2005, 4:23:11 PM UTC
                                                                                                                Oh no, we aren't so stupid as to do that.We are far beyond that sort of stupidity!! Innocent I mean who can't trust that face?!

                                                                                                                • Aug 28, 2005, 9:19:03 PM UTC
                                                                                                                  I know, right?! We'll just smile and pretend we're goldfish and have a 13 second memory! Laughing
                                                                                                                  • Sep 6, 2005, 9:57:15 PM UTC
                                                                                                                    LoL That sounds good to me!! Sorry I haven't replied in so long, I haven't been here for a while. Well, anyway... how you been??
                                                                                                                    • Sep 7, 2005, 9:10:11 PM UTC
                                                                                                                      lol! I've been out of things for a long time too. actually, I'm probably going to be out of things again for awhile again. @_@ Me and my crazy life... lol I've been okay. Been bettter, and been worse. lol And yourself? ^_^
                                                                                                                      • Sep 12, 2005, 9:58:53 PM UTC
                                                                                                                        Yeah same here.... But I shall miss you as my busy life keepsits tight grasp on me.. we shall still talk in between though!! We must!!

                                                                                                                        I hate being so darn busy is how I am, I am used to being laid back.. like during the summer, now mah first year of high school has me all over the place... Its kind of scary I haven't thrown somethingout yet (IE Back, hip, etc etc)

                                                                                                                        Anyway, buh bye for nowididid. Love ya much
                                                                                                                        • Sep 17, 2005, 10:32:13 PM UTC
                                                                                                                          Hey, sorry it's been so long. ^_^" Yeah, co-op started last Tuesday for me and Senior-High starts tomorrow. College doesn't start 'til January 18th, though. lol

                                                                                                                          Lots a luv too,
                                                                                                                          • Sep 22, 2005, 6:40:19 PM UTC
                                                                                                                            Wow, I see I see. So... how have you been? We have to like... catch up and stuff. LoL
                                                                                                                            • Sep 23, 2005, 9:08:35 PM UTC
                                                                                                                              lol I'm okay, and yourself? It sure has been a long time. I've just been burnt out on posting art as of latly... lol!
                                                                                                                              • Sep 24, 2005, 2:27:52 PM UTC
                                                                                                                                LoL Lately I haven't even had time to CREATE art!! I am deprived Cry I NEED tO DRAW!!! I NEED TO CREATE!!!
                                                                                                                                • Sep 24, 2005, 7:37:39 PM UTC
                                                                                                                                  I draw a lot. a LOT!! But I hardly ever send it in. I'm always drawing something these days it seems. Actually, about 3 a day. lol
                                                                                                                                  • Sep 25, 2005, 8:50:30 AM UTC
                                                                                                                                    Ooooooo!! Cool good for you!!! And I bet they are all beautiful!! I hope maybe one day I can see them... Anxious Innocent Please?
