Comment 10749

Parent Comment

Aug 2, 2005, 7:37:50 PM UTC
lol I used to be like that with Spanish when I first started it. My friend who was teaching me would say "Now say this in Spanish." And I'd say it in German. For some reason, I always wanted to say things in German when she was helping me... lol

Comment ID 10749

[Art] Dragonfly
Aug 3, 2005, 7:04:17 AM UTC on [Art] Dragonfly
lol...i think the language area of our brain gets mix up when we learn a new language, i used to do that with searching for a word in spanish and im all proud of myself cuz i found it...but its in english! tee hee....Bisous!


  • Aug 3, 2005, 7:16:25 AM UTC
    Congratulations! It's a good feeling when you did something good and no one helped you, isn't it? ^_^ Bisous!