Comment 11104

Parent Comment

Aug 5, 2005, 6:04:18 PM UTC
CHRIS!!!!!!!! This is wonderful! I absolutely love the drawing! ^^ How long dod it take you to do this one hun? You put a wicked amount of detail into it. You are progressing so quickly. The shading looks absolutely wonderful. Especially on the armor. Dammit! You should have done the shading for me on my knight! Laughing I am so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. This is by far your best. All my love.

Comment ID 11104

[Art] Lady Lillian
Aug 5, 2005, 10:38:34 PM UTC on [Art] Lady Lillian
Thanks Kristy Corky Smile It probably took me a good maybe, 2-3 hours, mainly because when I first started drawing it, I kept wanting to add all this stuff in places that looked so bare. And the armor was kinda a pain, because I have no sharpener here in this Corporate apartment, my colors were running out "Errraaahh!!" Luckily mum comes out with a small portable one Corky Smile I had to make this one a female, because I wanted to use different colors, other than the dull regular black/silver on normal Knight-Like body armor. I would deffinately say, this is my most shaded work I've done yet lol. Ty for the comment Corky Smile


  • Aug 6, 2005, 2:50:12 PM UTC
    Don't worry Chris. You will get into your own home pretty soon and out of that "Corporate Apartment." I know how hard armor can be to draw. I tried it before as well. I love how you changed the style up and made it different than the normal silver armor. Everything about it looks wonderful. The shading is exceptional and thank god for your mother and her portable sharpener. Laughing You are doing so very well Chris.