Comment 11883

Comment ID 11883

[Art] Unnamed Characters Take 2
Aug 11, 2005, 2:41:38 PM UTC on [Art] Unnamed Characters Take 2
I love this piece, as the others have said, it's quite romantic, her dress is quite sexy, and the blades are phenominal. It stinks ya gotta re-do the BG. But ah, well, a paint spray can isn't working TOO well with the mood of this as the others have said. What if perhaps you tried putting a window off to the side, and made it night outside. It's still indoors, and then it gives a romantic view of the night outside. Well, whatever you decide upon, I'm sure it will work out. Luv yas Wink


  • Aug 11, 2005, 9:05:17 PM UTC
    Aww Chris, Thank you so much for the wonderful advice. I am too lazy to do an elaborate background. Okay, I lied. I am really not lazy, I just don't have time right now. I am so busy with everything on my homefront lately that I really don't have much time to devote to my art. I have to devote my time to my mother right now. Ah, well. That's the breaks. I hope this new back ground is working better. Thank you for your help as always Chris and I Heart you too.