Comment 139990

Parent Comment

Feb 10, 2023, 1:53:29 AM UTC
It would be interesting if Mordel is one of her only dedicated platonic relationships... And potentially tragic

Comment ID 139990

[Art] Mischief Managed
Feb 10, 2023, 2:10:29 AM UTC on [Art] Mischief Managed
Yeah- that was a big pro to making them friends. I imagine that Aphra seduces a lot of people, and Mordel was one of those people she just didn't need to put on an act with. Only to have him "turn" on her. I wonder if they should get a happy ending TuT


  • Feb 10, 2023, 2:53:51 AM UTC
    Maybe not a happy ending... But maybe closure. Knowing what happened, even if they don't agree.
    • Feb 28, 2023, 11:43:50 PM UTC
      Maybe. I'm still figuring that stuff out. I can't imaging her siding with Phauroraland, but perhaps it's more complicated than unhappy ending.
      • Mar 1, 2023, 1:08:08 AM UTC
        Right? Happy and unhappy are just opposite ends of a much broader spectrum.