Comment 141522

Comment ID 141522

[Writing] Round 2 - 1200 Words
Mar 15, 2023, 11:45:05 PM UTC on [Writing] Round 2 - 1200 Words
Ahh you drew a picture too, a double treat! ^v^

I find it interesting that you chose to write it from William's perspective - it makes Apirka's actions seem more surprising since we don't know what's going through her mind (especially at the end... wonder how to describe what she's thinking there, hahaa). Fun stuff, nice work Big Smile


  • Mar 19, 2023, 3:11:17 AM UTC
    Describe what she's thinking... Probably something like, "GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT!!!" Or something. XDD No thoughts, head empty. Just 'Pirka.
  • Mar 20, 2023, 6:45:21 PM UTC
    Ye! >w< I couldn't help myself... it felt naked without a picture.

    Is this a good thing, though? XDD I'm sorry, my brain's just, "BUT DID IT MAKE SENSE, SHIRO?! DOES SKITTLES LOVE IT?!?!" It's very aggressive with me. XP
    • Mar 21, 2023, 1:27:04 AM UTC
      Hahaa Pirka's brain is definitely how my brain sounds when I'm on an adrenaline rush XD

      It is absolutely a good thing!! ^v^ (And my brain does that too, just yelling thoughts at me when I'm trying to calmly assess a statement hehh-- )
      • Mar 28, 2023, 6:36:40 PM UTC
        Braimb go AAAAAAA XDD

        But thank you. ^w^ I appreciate you addressing my brain's goofiness.