Comment 14836

Comment ID 14836

[Art] To Kristy
Sep 27, 2005, 12:16:55 PM UTC on [Art] To Kristy
Ah, twas a gift for Kristy eh/ Well of course it would be a mucher specialer piece to you, you put your SOUL into doing a good artwork for someone, because you wanted the piece itself to be as special as the occasion for whence it is being given, and I think that's awesome. Corky Smile And the colors you chose to use for her are quite interesting, I don't see that many redish oranges in artwork, but you laced these remarkably well with the wings and her blue,pink, and purple clothing Corky Smile I like too, the BG for this, it reminds me of a rose-window(the stained glass church windows), pieced together like a jig-saw puzle, with all the colors you have. Excellent work Corky Smile


  • Sep 27, 2005, 7:40:26 PM UTC
    Wow.... I must say... this has to be the best critique I have ever recieved! Thank you very much for all your wonderful comments, they truly turned my day around. Thank you very much for all these wonderful comments. They are truly appreciated by me. ^^
    • Sep 28, 2005, 2:16:40 PM UTC
      Corky Smile You're welcome, glad to have brightened your day, and you deserve every compliment, it's quite a piece of work Corky Smile If there's one thing I like doing just as much as my artwork, it's commenting on well of a job others have done on THEIR artwork Corky Smile
      • Sep 28, 2005, 4:17:18 PM UTC
        Well thank you again. ^^ And I completely agree with you on that. I love commenting on others peoples work as much as I love making my own.