Comment 15401

Parent Comment

Oct 4, 2005, 12:32:51 AM UTC
Wow this is really great graphic art. Do you do this professionally? If not, I think you are ready to.

Comment ID 15401

[Art] Oberon in the Land of Night
Oct 4, 2005, 12:34:55 AM UTC on [Art] Oberon in the Land of Night
No, not a professional. *chuckle* I get a commission now and again, but it's never more than some added padding to my day job, unfortunately.


  • Oct 4, 2005, 12:39:16 AM UTC
    I'm telling you this now. DO IT PROFESSIONALLY. If not by doing more commisions then by puting your work on shirts or other merchandise. Your work is so strong graphically. Lunchboxes, posters, and the like. It's similar to the posters I've seen at Hot Topic.

    What's great about it is you can do silk screen shirts which are cheap if you only buy one color. This one would look good as white paint on a black shirt. Perhaps make the composition round like your other piece.
    • Oct 4, 2005, 12:53:55 AM UTC
      I have put some designs on t-shirts and the like, but really only myself and my sister buy them. I do a decent amount of work doing commissions in the artist alley at furry conventions, but my prints never sell, so mostly I figure I can't afford the expense of getting shirts printed up that probably won't sell.

      I have improved quite a bit lately, doing better all the time, but you gotta spend money to make money, so they say... and I don't have any to spend. I have wondered how artists get commissioned by places like Hot Topic, since I'm actually pretty damn sure my stuff'd sell well there, but I can't seem to find anyone or any information on the net that knows how to go about it.
      • Oct 4, 2005, 1:17:33 AM UTC
        yeah I wouldn't know where to start there. I know what you mean about needing money to make money. That's why I'm starting up a CafePress shop for Paper The trick is advertising. It's hard to find space to advertise the merchandise. Most of the people who are interested in buying that sort of thing are young and can't buy online and what not.
        • Oct 4, 2005, 1:23:10 AM UTC
          Yeah, I've had a variety of CafePress stores for a looooooong time, but pretty much only I use it. I did have the thought that I might actually be able to drive others to buy the merchandise if I bought a paid account and could combine everything into one store, but I can't quite fit in the expense right now.
          • Oct 4, 2005, 2:26:01 AM UTC
            i think more important than paying for a fancier store front is just advertising. You may have the greatest store front and greatest products but no one is going to know about it unless you invest the money to advertise. And it's EXPENSIVE. God I don't want to ever have to pay for advertising. I haven't done any paid advertising so far for any of my sites. It's too expensive. I just rely on search engines and word of mouth for my traffic.