Comment 15592

Comment ID 15592

[Art] Winter - for Kristy
Oct 6, 2005, 5:29:46 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Oct 6, 2005 by Humority on [Art] Winter - for Kristy
O.O This is very beautiful hun. I love the little creatures climbing on her, and lurking around the trees. They feel like some kind of mist. She really seems to be lost in thought and I love her gesture. There's a lot af gentleness in her that I wouldn't expect of a Snow Queen, but she does seem frozen. This picture clearly emanates melancholy to me, with that moonlight I'm assuming. Very well done sweetheart. i hope you'll be here more often now. I really missed talking to you. Kristy clearly loved it as I can see.^_^
I am adding this to favourites too.Yes

"No more darker than the night, no more mystery in sight. One day he was simply gone and who knows if he'll return."


  • Oct 6, 2005, 10:09:47 AM UTC
    Embarrassed You got it! YAY! The little creatures are supposed to be some kind of mist or frost sprites, dancing around her as she walks. I don't picture my own Snow Queen to be cold-hearted and cruel... Rather pale, melancholy, and frightfully alone. She brings tiny diamonds to earth every winter season and yet most of us (myself included) scorn them for the cold she has to bring to keep her treasures alive.

    I hope I'll be back here a little more, too, though I never really left. I've been checking in here every day, I just haven't had much time or energy to write a whole lot. lol!

    Still, today is a day to work on some art.

    Much love,