Comment 156781

Parent Comment

Mar 30, 2024, 2:24:57 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Mar 30, 2024 by Fordandra
Every time I see your art, I see your characters have multiplied XDD

Love Lazarus' design, can't wait to see more of him! (I'm especially enjoying that little head tilt of his, extremely handsome and personable).

Yet again, I see you introducing a really good contrast even between the two characters, like an in-between of extremes. (i.e. Chance being excentric and dynamic, while Ezra is standing there like a ghoul XDD)

Comment ID 156781

[Art] Going up!
Mar 30, 2024, 7:07:26 PM UTC on [Art] Going up!
Thank you I'm so happy you like Lazarus, he's one of my oldest ocs so he's got a special place in my heart! He's my handsome little freak and I love him dearly. He started off as a joke character believe it or not, he's come so far from his roots I'm very proud of him.

I have a LOT of characters but im only introducing some of them here and slowly as to not overwhelm myself. If there's one thing I'm good at it's just making up new characters all the time snrrrrrk.


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