Comment 157775

Comment ID 157775

Apr 23, 2024, 2:06:25 PM UTC on [Writing] Plot: Zeke Altair's Ceremony

Oh stars and supernovas this is so well executed, with his anticipation on joining the sparkly seat of the stars... and that's Rune yeah? Spider-boy, first glimpse of their complicated tangled bond >v< Oof, I didn't realize how devastating and tough of a situation it was that resulted in Zeke being cut off from his people-- by his own brother too :o

I am so excited to see what comes next ^v^ Give Zeke a consolation apple from me, hehe *pat pat*


  • Apr 23, 2024, 10:31:05 PM UTC
    Hehehehe! Yes! His story is honestly so tragic. I adore it and him and Rune and everything! Thank you so much for your commentary <3