Comment 16368

Comment ID 16368

[Art] Nicolous D. Wolfwood
Oct 17, 2005, 1:05:34 PM UTC on [Art] Nicolous D. Wolfwood
*dies* I LOVED Trigun! It's the only Animé series I've ever made it all the way through and it's SO BLOODY AWESOME! You need to see it, luv, you really really do. Dear God... I should do some fanart of this guy. He was just so... heart-wrenching - and we know those are the ones that have the most character.


  • Oct 17, 2005, 6:42:34 PM UTC
    You know... I really should watch the series sometime. But I won't get to do much of anything any time soon being that my house is so crowded right now. And you know what else? I would simply LOVE to see you do some fanart of him. I don't think I have ever seen any fanart from you. It would definitely be a change. ^_^ I went back and added a "smoke" ffect using my paintshop. I am thinking I may need to do something else with it though so it doesn't just look like a white blotch on his face and head. Laughing That is if I get a chance too. *sigh* All my love. And yes, please do some fanart of him. I would love to see it. ^^
    • Oct 17, 2005, 7:11:16 PM UTC
      No, you haven't seen fanart from me.. Because I have never done fanart. I prefer to make my own characters... Though I LOVE this guy, and Vash too.

      Hurm. Future project to mark down. Woflwood and his cross, all dramatic-like (and likely in my own drawing style... Anime was never my thing. I'm no good at it.)