Comment 17288

Comment ID 17288

[Art] Story Warriors
Nov 2, 2005, 8:21:22 PM UTC on [Art] Story Warriors
think I like your shaded art the best...awesome job...


  • Nov 2, 2005, 8:42:53 PM UTC
    You do? Why thank you, kind sir. I like doing the shaded art more than the colored stuff because I can sharpen my skills at shading. I still need to work on that a bit. Let's see... I am sure you recognize Ulonna and John from FAC. They were in another drawing I had submitted. But the other two are Jack Stormcloud(the pissed off rock star looking guy as well as John's brother) and the female sitting on the rock is my friend Mallory's character. Her name is Tyra. These characters are from a story we are currently writing together. Thank you for your awesome words! You have no idea what your reviews mean to me as an artist. (And yes, I am going to respond to each and every one of your reviews you leave me. ^_^