Comment 1757

Parent Comment

May 6, 2005, 7:14:24 AM UTC
Wow thanks for looking at all of my art. I'm thinking of removing my older stuff though because people keep critiquing it and it's all old and bad art -.-

Comment ID 1757

[Art] Vegeta
May 9, 2005, 12:11:59 AM UTC on [Art] Vegeta
-Stare- Can't they see it's old? Pft! Don't take it down just cause they are like being all ... dur... it's a perfect example of how much you've grown! Please don't take it down? -gives you big puppy dog eyes-

It was like reading a book about your art, I don't want you too XD!


  • May 9, 2005, 7:30:20 AM UTC
    Yeah the whole reason I like to keep up my old art is to show my growth but some people don't read the dates. I guess I can keep it up Corky Smile