Comment 17949

Comment ID 17949

[Art] What a bastard is
Nov 8, 2005, 5:50:48 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Nov 8, 2005 by AnimeBoyToyKoibito on [Art] What a bastard is
Ooooo, this looks good, great job.

~~ Hey is that a lion or something I see in the top most cloud on the left? (our left)


  • Nov 9, 2005, 4:36:38 PM UTC
    Nah, it's just the background getting a little to abstract. But if you read the fic you'd know just what creature is hiding near him.

    Thanks again! Smile
    • Nov 9, 2005, 5:15:56 PM UTC
      Well that is pretty cool, becaise I see a lion, a dragon and/or alligator/croc, and a rat. But now you have me curious so I think I will go out and read it. Must... know... what is there.
