Comment 18167

Parent Comment

Nov 10, 2005, 4:00:09 PM UTC
heheh. Didn't I tell you it rocked? She has done such a very wonderful job on it. And I am so very grateful that she let me draw her characters. And tell your baby thank you so much for his kind review. Laughing I will always remember that above all other comments I receive. ^_^ And I will hopefully get some new art done soon. *crosses fingers* I actually should start something now. Ponder But what to draw? Any ideas? Any at all? Well, if you think of something, let me know. All my love to you and your sweet babies. ^_^ Thanks again. Mwah!

Comment ID 18167

[Art] Vampire Prince (Take 2)
Nov 10, 2005, 4:03:52 PM UTC on [Art] Vampire Prince (Take 2)
*sheepish grin* Sesshoumaru, more Sesshoumaru!!!! Grin I'll make you a whole 7 course meal for more Sesshoumaru. LOL


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